Happy New Year Bloggerettes! My new year's eve was a very quiet one with pizza on the menu and bedtime early. I did manage to wake up a few minutes before midnite just in time to see the ball drop. I then fell right back to sleep. Party animal I am!!!
The living room is looking rather sad without all the sparkle and glitz of Christmas. I'm thinking this room needs something. Not sure what cause I just can't seem to get it together.

I'm joining the party at Betsy Speert's Tueday Answers! and Coastal Charm's Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays
The living room is looking rather sad without all the sparkle and glitz of Christmas. I'm thinking this room needs something. Not sure what cause I just can't seem to get it together.
My next project is what to do with these huge windows. See the rods up there.....I'm trying to decide what kind of panels to make.
Any suggestions?????
Found this "thingee" at HomeGoods. Not sure what to do with it either....
I'm in one of those moods where I want to start redoing things around the house. I'm blaming it on the new year but I think it's been an ongoing obsession all year long. And it's all y'all's fault!
The problem is....I just can't seem to pull it all together like you all seem to.
Take for instance this photo....nothing underneath the cloches, the glass knob wall thing looks kinda odd and what's with the key dangling down....I just can't seem to get it together. Maybe the new year will find me full of creative ideas and a sense of togetherness. I sure hope so.
How bout you? Are you feeling that you've got it all together or will be gettin it together or already have it all together?????
I never make resolutions but I do tell myself that I'm going to try and do better and be a better person than I was last year.
My biggest achievement was losing 42 pounds and managing to keep it off. I did gain three pounds during the holidays because I allowed myself too many sweets. I'm back on track and
I'm hoping to take off at least 20 more pounds by spring.

I want to be a kinder and nicer person. I want to be a better listener. I want to focus on others and to be more understanding, patient and have more emphathy.
These are just a few things on my list that I'll be working on for the new year.
Most of all I wish you all a very Happy New Year that is full of love, peace and prosperity.
I'm joining the party at Betsy Speert's Tueday Answers! and Coastal Charm's Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays
You are such a beauty, Sissie. Congrats on the weight loss. Your home is scrumptious the way it is, then tuck a wee pink rose here or there ... awesome decor.
May your New Year be filled with many blessings & Joys.
You look great doll...and I'm betting your feeling wonderful too!
good resolutions...I'm with you on those!
Hugs, Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Woohoo! You look great, Sissy. That will put a skip in your step. How did you manage to lose so much? You should do a post on that. I love your room and really don't see anything wrong with it. It is so fresh and welcoming. Whatever you are doin', just keep doin' it. "Happy New Year" Deb
I'd give my right arm to have your talent. I know you're bored with parts of your home, but let me tell you, your home looks so lovely. Like I said, I wish I had your talent!
As for your weight loss, congratulations! I'm sure you feel healthy. You've always been pretty so there's no change there. I wish you all the best in meeting your goal!
Ok...you know I don't decorate shabby chic...I wish I could...but hubby would not go for it....soooo, what about burlap on the windows...just panels..I think the beige-ish would be so pretty against the white.
Anyways...you home is gorgeous as is...and congrats on the weight loss. And...I think you are pretty nice and kind as you are!!
I like the burlap panel idea too! Your home is lovely and I think we all go through moments of doubt about our homes, our life our whatever! I am a new follower well I have been reading for a lil while now and thought I was a follower but guess I never clicked the button! Congrats on your weight loss too!
You really look great! It's hard to lose those last few pounds and keep them off! I weigh every day! I've kept my weight off for almost 2 years now but I don't want it sneaking back! heehee! Happy New year! ♥♥♥
How strange to hear you say these things honey because when I think of you I think of someone that totally has it together. You always have the most beautiful pieces to show us so maybe there was something in that pizza you ate last night that has got you all mixed up. hahaha
Seriously you and your home are beautiful. Wow 42 lbs I would be jumping up and down so much I would pee in my pants.
Can't believe you lost so much weight. You look wonderful before and after but I know you must feel better.
I am suppose to be starting a diet this week with Susan from Art of Mine after hearing your story maybe I can do it
I have had a hard time figuring out how to put things back after taking down the decorations. I keep tweaking and tweaking. Congrats on the weight loss. That is what I must focus on this year. Did you use a certain plan?
That is a huge accomplishment losing that much weight~good for you Sissie! Betsy Speert is starting a new party on Tuesday and she is a cracker jack decorator and will be answering design questions for followers! You should link this post to her party on Tuesday. If it were up to me I would pick pale blue curtains and hang them on the rods. Then I would paint the back of the bookcases a soft shade of blue (powder or aqua~whatever shade you like best and that goes with the curtains). Blue looks pretty with all the silver and white you have. But go ask Betsy!
Congrats on the weight loss. I need to get focused and do that this year. Your home is grogeous, but I understand how you feel. It seems after Christmas things look so empty. I need to do some tweaking around here too. Blessings!
Happy New Year Sissie.. you look fabulous! I too have to get moving and lose some weight I know I will feel better when I do. Have a wonderful week ahead!
Congratulations on the weight loss. As for the not having it together, I too have been having that feeling and I am hoping to not have it in this next year. Happy New Year.
Sissie I think you are doing great! I want to continue on my organizing and hopefully getting better at doing the creative things I just haven't been doing lately! hugs, Linda
I love that room just the way it is but I know how you feel. I think once the holidays are over, we take a closer look around and want to make changes and such. I also think you look great! I have to lose 15 pounds from my last pregnancy (4 years ago!!!!!) so that is tops of my "resolution" list this year...Ugh!
Happy new year!!!
42 pounds ! That's fantastic ! I'm so proud of you ! I'm going to have to work on that myself .
Sissie your house is beautiful , you are just having after Christmas let down , because of the lack of bling . I'm sure you will come up with something wonderful and new in no time .
Your home looks pretty perfect to me. It's always a shock after the Christmas things get put away. Don't hate me but I like the windows just as they are. Congrats on the weight lose.
Happy New Year!
Congratulations on your weight loss, Sissie. That's one of my goals this year. I lost 23 pounds after we got back from our summer of travel, but I have FIFTY to go! We celebrated our Packer win today with a homemade pizza, but tomorrow it's back on the program. Wish me luck!
The new year came in with a bang around here (I'll blog about it this week), and I'm planning to stay right on track. We'll see how that goes. lol
Happy New Year!
Wow, Sissie, you look fabulous! Congratulations! Happy New Year to you - may you have a great 2012.
Awww...Sissie- Unless you've been fooling me I can't imagine you being much kinder! I have those times too where everything is just slightly out of kilter..and I can't quite put my finger on it.
You just keep doing what you've been doing and I'll just keep on coming back! And..CONGRATS on the weight loss...that is a big accomplishment- xo Diana
Sissie you look great and congratulations on your weight loss! That is such a hard thing to do. I am hoping I can be successful in this new year myself. As for your window panels I visualize silk panels. I am just not sure what color without seeing other colors in your room. You do have a lot of white so you are pretty open from what I can tell. I took my tree down today and yes, it is looking sad here too. I left a little tiny tree up so I will use it for the next couple of weeks to get myself the letdown of all the pretty twinkle lights. Happy New Year Sissie~ Hugs, Patti
Congrats on your weight loss...so happy for ya:) Wish me luck that I can do it this year...do you mind me asking how you did it? I was in bed by 11:00...we had a lot of fog here at the beach so it wasn't a good night to go out and celebrate:( Happy New Year my friend!!!
I think your home always looks so put together. As a matter a fact--yours is one of my favorite in the blogworld and I look at a lot of blogs. I think your decorating looks very clean. There's no clutter--that's part of what I love! I'm crazy about your mirrors. Your weight loss is fantastic--I think you are so pretty, but not seeing you in the real world I didn't realize you had lost all that weight. Good for you!
You look gorgeous, sweet lady! That is a LOT of weight and it shows. I can only hope to do the same thing. I am really over what I should be and it is going to take a LOT of work.
I know what you feel when it comes to getting into a decorating freeze out. Sometimes we have to just stop looking at things and step back, come back with a fresh eye. I get a lot of inspiration from blogs, but the truth of the matter is, my home is different and had it's own dynamic. So I have to follow what works in MY space. I know what you mean about the empty cloche...something so simple yet so difficult sometimes!
Wow 42 lbs!! That's a small child.!!! I am so getting in shape this year! Thanks for sharing your pics..you look marvelous! Your windows are so gorgeous...I would keep the fabrics light and airy but I know whatever you choose will be lovely! Can't wait to see what projects you will do this year!
Miss Bloomers
You look great, Sissie! Congratulations on losing 42 pounds! : ) Maybe a striped taffeta for your windows. I think I've seen a golden yellow with white. I still have my Christmas stuff up, so I won't be trying to get back to "normal" until next weekend.
Hi Sissie, congrats on losing 42 pounds ;)
Happy New Year!!
First of all... you already have all the qualities you have on your news years list...! and yeah, there is something missing in that living room photo, it's ME, I want to be in that gorgeous room! But, i do know what you mean, i'm feeling the same way about wanting to do something a little new, a little different, and i have empty cloches that i don't quite know what to do with either...
and you lost 42 pounds!!!!!! that's alot! good grief... holy moly... i know it feels good to lose weight... i've been there, even 10 lbs feels better
but... i have to say, you are a pretty woman either way in both photos!
Happy New Year, Sissieness! Oh, congratulations on your weight loss and you look marverlous!
Now I feel like you right now. I'm still taking down Christmas stuff and don't know what to put back it it's place! I'll hop around Blogland or Pinterest and get all inspired!
Here's to another year of blogging with you!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Happy New Year Sissie!!
Losing 42 lbs is quite an accomplishment! I'll be thrilled if I can manage to lose 10. Forty two pounds...wow!
I have the same feelings as you do many times. Feeling lost with my decorating. Not sure what to do next. Just start playing around and have fun with it! :)
Sometimes I know exactly what I want to do with a room, but just don't have the time or energy to get it done. That is fusterating too!
Do you go on pinterest? I get so many good ideas from that sight. In fact I saw a photo tonight which made me think of your post. You could take your little key and hang it from the knob on the top of your cloche. Set your cloche on a pretty plate and put a sweet little birds nest filled with eggs inside it. Just an idea....
I wish you a new year full of creativity and inspiration!
I think you are your house look fabulous!! No change needed. Your living room is perfect. Congrats on the weight loss, I think I will do the same this year in anticipation of my sons wedding!
The only thing I can see missing from that gorgeous room is me sitting on the couch. I can wear a bedazzled tee if sparkly is what you need!
42 pounds and keeping it off? You rock girl!
Oh friend you have it so much together! You room is looking great along with that fantastic new body of yours!
I do know what you mean though- sometimes when I look at a room in our home I wish I could somehow have a new pair of eyes to see it with-
Happy New Year!
Hi Sissie, I have the same feeling every year about our living room when the Christmas decoration is packed away. Therefore I haven't taken it down yet.
You are so creative. I'm sure you'll soon come up with an idea for the cloches. Congratulations on your weight loss. That's awesome!
Happy New Year!
Sissie you look beautiful and CONGRATS on the weight loss!! Your home always looks amazing! Martina
Sissie! You look amazing! I am so proud of you, and inspired to get back on the wagon myself.
As for your living room, it is a lovely space with lots of character, and you have so many pretty things! I know you'll enjoy rearranging and freshening things up for the new year, and I can't wait to see it. :)
WOWzers 42lbs? Come rub ebows with moi...maybe u could blog one day soon to give us strugglers some incentive. ;))
You know what I like to do after the holidays is add some green pants, fowering bulbs and candles. It always makes it fresh, clean and nature-y.
Who r we to give advice decorating ur house...its always gorgeous and perrrfect. However (haha) with the gorgeousness of the light and brightness coming in your open plan how about a 2 tone white and tan/gold sheer? Do u like linen? There are a couple of sheer and light weight linens and even a textured burap style @ BBandB. The burlap would be heavier which is why i like billowy soft and flowing panels...just some thoughts
Happy New Year
Congrats Sissie, you look beautiful! I can't help with the decorating but I think some white sparkly things for Valentines Day (who says they have to be red?) would make you smile! Happy New Year-enjoy:@)
Sissie, I understand your feeling that things look somewhat blah after all the pretty sparkly things of Christmas. I'm that way, too. The last family member leaves today and I can't wait to get my house back in shape and do some decorating. Speaking of getting back in shape, you certainly have done that. You look great! ---------- Shannon
Congrats on your weightloss sweetie! You look fabulous! YOur home is always just the prettiest!Squishy hugs,
Oh my goodness! You look terrific! good for you...
and as far as your gorgeous home...with the windows and brightness I'd die for!!!!! it's beautiful...I love your style.
I'm big on toile and lace...so curtain panels from top to bottom on either side is the only thing I'd do.....
have fun with it....homemaking is truly an ongoing obsession, oops, I mean PASSION! let yourself enjoy it!
ciao bella
Creative Carmelina
Che spettacolo Sissie;)
You look great now and before. Congrats! Love your house! judy
Yay!!!! You go girl! You look great!
That is such a beautiful window, Sissie. I would not hide it. I would go with sheers on either side which I would leave open. You could do something on the top to hide the rod. You're looking gorgeous with or without the weight. But, it's always better for our heart and blood pressure not to carry too much weight. As for your decor, I'm crazy about it. Change what you feel you want to change but I would not worry about it. Do it when the inspiration hits.
Hello=) I love how you decotate....but what i think would look realy nice in youre first picture are som green flowers...that would bring it more to life=)
Sissie you look What an achievement! I hope to do the same this year and your living room is gorgeous! My grandchildren would have a field day all the pretties and white. lol Thanks for sharing.
Dear Sissie- what a fantastic weight loos- you looks gorgeous and so beautiful (mind you-also in the before photo,dear )
And sweet Sissie, you are already all you want to acchieve in 2012-you are the kindest and sweetest blogger,-and everything else good -
Sissie, you look fab.....congrats.
I think you could use some real greenery in the living space....not too much though.
Happy New year.
Oh wow Sissie. You look terific and how great you lost all those pounds. Wonderful. I envy you.
I believe every house looks a bit empty and pale after all the decorations are down now. Yes maybe a few plants or just a bunch of red roses will cheer ir up.
HUgs from Riet
First of all, congratulations on the weight loss! Wow, you look great! I need to lose 50+ lbs., so you're really an inspiration to me! I always feel like redoing things and cleaning after Christmas, after the decorations are put away. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on "Buster's" blog post!
Hugs, Cindy
Girl you are so beautiful and I sure don't know where you have been hiding that weight as yoou always look great..I have a closet of things I bought last year and still have not put out..Maybe my health will be better this year and I can get something done around this Hoarder house lol!! Love ya..Many this be the best year ever for you my dear friend..Hugs Gloria
Congrats Sissie for losing 42 lbs, I think that is amazing and there is a diffence in the pictures you showed. Lucky you to have your Christmas decorations all down, mine are still up!
I'm trying to get it together with my bedroom, its been a year just thinking and trying out different bedding, yikes!
You're looking good Sissie! I know you'll have your place the way you want it. You have so many beautiful things, it should be a snap.
Happy New Year! I think your room looks beautiful. Have you thought about smocked burlap for your windows? They look fabulous and so simple!
What a beautiful home .....just perfect.....I am going to addyou on my bloglist .....ciao Alison (Italy )
Hi! I just found your blog. I love you header photography and will surely be back to read more. That 'thingy' you found is really cute! Vessels are great for changing decor. A new follower, andrea@townandprairie
Your home is gorgeous, I'm sure the little changes you want to make will come along soon. I have a little cloche of my own sitting at home with nothing under it !
As to the windows - personally I would do a white linen panel with a darker linen or burlap border running down the inner edge, just to give them definition.
Congrats on the amazing weight loss - just lost 14 lbs myself and want to carry on now Christmas is out the way !
all the best for 2012 Fiona@justpaintitwhite.blogspot.com
Girl you have it all together! Happy New Year, Pam
Your home is amazing no matter what time of year! And YOU...WOW! Keep up the good work!
Happy New Year Sissie, you looked fabulous before your weight loss and you look so fabulous now. Your home is always a delight to look at and I love how you share it with us in blogland!
Wow - your room is fab and that weight loss - you go girl!
Sissie, clearly you are one together lady. I love just loved this post...so much so it is featured on our blog. Pass by and grab a Featured button.
Wow, it's all so pretty!!! You look fantastic! I also lost about the same amount of weight! It feels so good! I've gained some too over the holidays but now after looking at your before and after photos I feel inspired again!
Happy New Year, Sissie. You look gorgeous.
Don't be changing too much because we all love you just the way you are.♥
If you are so lost on what to do how do you acount forall the followers? Your style is so fab, and congrats on your new you! Keep it going with both, I will be looking for new direction in the shabby area. Happy 2012
Your home is beautiful!! I just found your blog and I love it. I think some sheer white flowy curtain panels would look nice.
Congrats on the weight loss!! I REALLY need to do that!
Jaci - MN
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