Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Painting the whole chair. Fabric and All and a Pep Talk....

Let's talk about this chair...this Bergere chair (French Arm Chair) that has given me fits for several weeks.  She, the chair, was determined to stay ugly. And, me the rescuer, was determined to make her pretty or die. trying.  Well she almost won.

Like all my projects I forgot to get a good before photo.  Here you can see the ugly brown and tan striped fabric.
After nearly five coats of paint and several outbursts of, "why did I ever start this darn project and maybe I can take it apart and throw it in the dumpster random thoughts," I decided not to give up.
So here she is and I have to say looking very pretty...

So now that I've inspired you, (probably not) to paint an ugly chair, here's how to do it.
1.) Make sure that you have lots of energy and coffee before starting the projects.
2.) I suggest that you use less expensive paint as your base coats.
3.) Use Chalk paint as your top coat.
4.) Sand in between coats of paint.  
5.) Try not to use curse words.
6.) Keeping repeating over and over again that it will be beautiful, it will be beautiful...
7.) When you are done, finally, give yourself a nice pat on the back for a job well done.

Okay, she there you have it, my ever so encouraging pep talk!   You can thank me later.  Be sure and show me your completed project.  You're welcome.



  1. I love it, I just need to find one that I can paint. This looks fabulous.

  2. Wow! She looks fabulous and aren't you glad you didn't give up on her? I love the clean white look of decor but my hubby doesn't. He likes colour and lots of it so I try to bring them both together which isn't always easy. Have a beautiful day, Sissy!


  3. This technique always fascinates me. But your chair is beautiful! Well done! Love that pillow too.

  4. It is beautiful but I would never have the patience to tackle this!

  5. the chair is gorgeous. you did a great job. I have one that needs to be redone. It's in the lower level living area right now. but I'm putting it off... LOVE the pep talk. I need to remember it, especially #5! xoxo

  6. I laughed when I read this post. I have been there so many times .Some I just gave up on and some I just kept going and was happy I did. I love the chair and the color that you painted it. It was well worth it.

  7. I can just feel your frustration! You persevered and have a beautiful chair to show for it.


  8. Beautiful!

    In my house on a farm with four dogs there is no way in heck I could own an all white chair such as this. It would be ruined. I love all white couches but know what they'd look like eventually 'round here.


  9. LOL I painted 3 chairs for my studio same design as yours, One I painted white, one pink, one blue I used latex wall paint and it has held up for 4 years now

  10. I loved your chair project. I wonder if paint rubs off when you sit on it, like when someone visits who wears rather rough jeans. Oh well, I am not doing this anyway. I have cats in multiples through rescue and I am certain they could scratch it up pretty badly.
    I love your writing style. You write like I think.


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