Saturday, July 16, 2011

My latest color crush!

Hi Bloggerettes!  Well, I've gone from loving everything blue and painting everything blue, to loving yellow, soft yellow...

Like beautiful baubles and starfish in a shell bowl with a hint of yellow mosaic tiles....

The yellow love all started when I re-hung these silk gold and cream colored panels in the family room...

Since you can see the livingroom from the family room I repainted the once gray sofa table a soft yellow.  I used a mocha glaze to give it an antique look...

The yellow table now looks prettier with the yellow curvy couch and the golden yellow toile pillows....don't you think?  Yes?

This little pedestal table used to be white, now it's soft yellow.

So, for now, I'm lovin yellow.
Hard to tell what it will be next week, or next month, or even tomorrow!

What color are you lovin now?

Okay, now get out there and create, make, sew, photograph, paint, draw, craft, redecorate, read, repurpose, or find something wonderful and share it with the rest of us.



Amy Kinser said...

Your soft yellow is just beautiful. Isn't it nice to be able to change on a whim?

Kathysue said...

Now you are talking my language, I love yellow, I have a yellow house and my wall are a variation of a maze yellow to french vanilla icecream. I have always had yellow in my home, love it!! Kathysue

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

I do love my soft green and soft pink combination but I do have some yellow in one of my bedrooms. I am really drawn to pastels and lots of whites...they just make me feel happy!~Hugs, Patti

Anonymous said...

Hi Sissy!
I love anything in your house, that's what I love! If you lived closer I would hire you to decorate our new home...whenever we buy one! You do a fantastic job. Love the changes you've made.

Nancy's Tidbits

Anonymous said...

Sissie , you pick the most scrumptious colors !
Sharon's Wannabe Cottage

The Charm of Home said...

That is really pretty Sissie. I just painted my bathroom this color. Love it.

NanaDiana said...

That's so funny, Sissie! I JUST LOVE YOUR pieces!!! They are lovely! I have been drawn to soft yellow this year too...and I wrote about that on someone's blog the other day. It is just such a happy, sweet color, isn't it? When my first daughter was born her whole nursery was done in a soft, pale yellow-right down to the sheer frilled curtains. This past week she went out and bought new couches- guess what color? Soft, pale yellow! xo Diana

NanaDiana said...

ps. Can I please have Gabby? She looks like she wants to come home with me~ xo Diana

Anonymous said...

Hi Sissieness! Oh, honey, do you have a fever! :) I love it that you're using the softest of colors on your furniture!
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Linda said...

Hi Sissie...I'm loving your soft yellows. The bowl with the baubles and the starfish is so pretty. I love the edging. I also love the little table and the big shells! Everything is just so....wonderful! You have such an eye for beauty!

Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Hi Sissy, everything looks so beautiful, isn't it amazing how much our taste changes. I have mostly white walls in my home, a few years ago I got in touch with a painter to come in and paint all the walls a soft gold, well he didn't show up and I never got the walls painted and now I'm so glad, because if I had, I would now be wanting to paint them back white!
hugs~~~ Daphne

Cindy said...

What a wonderful, soft shade of yellow. Your pretty whites and pale yellows are so easy on the eyes... and i'll say it again, i LOVE those curtains!


Rebecca Nelson said...

I LOVE IT TOO! More and more and more~


Reena said...

so enjoy stopping in and browsing!

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

I love yellow and have it almost everywhere in my home. It is just so happy. Thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave such a nice comment. I'm a new follower and am going right now to check out your kitchen!

Char said...

Oh Sissie, I see you have crossed over into my world!! ha
Yellow has been my favorite all my life, and that's a very long time.:) Char

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I think that yellow is gorgeous. No new colors here. If I had an extra room, I would do Black, cream with yellow accents. So I will have to enjoy your yellow from afar!

Tatjana said...

Very nice colours!The starfish is beautiful!

Dorthe said...

Hi sweet Sissie, what an energy you have, I so admire you- and it looks gorgeus.
Thanks for your dear comment, Sissie, have a happy week-and see you soon.
Hugs and love-

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hey Sissie! Your nightmare chair is beautiful now. Love the color you chose to go with that fabric. I love the pale yellow. It's so nice to be able to change things up on a whim. Enjoy and have a bright and beautiful day. :) Tammy

Amy Chalmers said...

Hi Sissie! I knew those curtains would tie in with the pillows. Now the yellow pieces round out the whole room! I am still on a pink bender, but am loving a grey lavender and that fresh aqua too. And I am liking the grass greens....hmmmm....

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I love it, Sissie! It's very soft looking and I'm so glad you left those drapes up. They really are gorgeous! Like Amy, I was thinnking how well they went with your toile pillows on your sofa and I really like how it brings the colors from the sofa over to the window. I don't have a color of the moment right now, although I am itching to try something with one of the gray chalk paints.

Janette - The2Seasons said...

Thanks goodness yellow never goes out of style. I would be in trouble if it did.

My name is Riet said...

HI Sissie. Your colourchoice is beautiful. My drapes in the livingroom are that soft warm yellow and my walls are even softer warm yellow.I always use that colour because it gives warmth to the room. I am sure you will keep the colour for some time. hihi.
Hugs from Riet

Linda @ A La Carte said...

That yellow is so soft and beautiful. I am still loving the soft blues!

Patty Sumner said...

I love your creativity and ability to change things. Inspires me to do something drastic at my house. Love it all Sissie! Blessings!

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Oh yes...lovely indeed..your photos are so dreamy!! x0x0x

Anonymous said...

I'm in the process of painting everything white....shabby chic! and I love it....your place looks great does your bloggy banner!

so nice to pop in here and visit with you!

ciao bella

Creative Carmelina

Barb said...

Sissy, I love how you change!

The soft yellow is so sweet...I love it.

I love it all. I have tried to go to whites, and I love them but I love colors too. Especially soft, soft colors. I could never be pinned down to one thing.

Happy Sunday to you!

Barb ♥

Sylvia said...

Looks lovely in that soft yellow, Sissie !
Wish you a nice week,

Unknown said...

i'm not usually a big "fan" of yellow but oh make it look absolutely divine! love the soft color you chose. sooo serene!

Also, wanted to say merci for your sweet compliments about my studio. made me smile! :)

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Your yellows are perfect, Sissie! Beutiful choices.

☼ Carolina ☼ said...

✿*゚¨゚✎ nice!! ✄*゚¨゚✿

ruth said...

I love the tables and believe I have some leftover yellow paint in the basement. I must give it a try - you've inspired me (as always).

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Beautiful soft colors, Sissie! Love them! We are having a Kitty Cat linky party for Baby Kitty's birthday this Friday July 22nd! Come on over and bring Gizzy (his twin) and Gabby! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

Ruffles n Raspberries said...

LOVIN your creamy yellows, and anything with toile I'm there! Great job, darlin', so pretty!

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

Hi Sissie!
Love your yellows! Funny, my darling husband is painting our front door~ from black to a sunny yellow! Great minds heh?

Cyndy said...

looking quite beautiful, coastal and refreshed.
Come create my new drapes ;))
Do u ever tag a "How To" in ur posts to get ur look?
Some of us need that little extra push from a professional DIYer

Tara said...

Love the gold drapes. I think you can make yellow go with most colors, especially a paler version. I really like blues/grays/yellows together, it speaks of summer and the beach.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Sissie, i think you have started a trend, I love pale yellow too


People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I DO think the table is even prettier in soft yellow. I've always been a fan of soft yellow because it provides warmth. You are one ambitious lady, Sissie. I truly don't know from where you get all your energy!

Jane said...

Hi Sissie,
I am so loving the yellow. I think your curtains are beautiful and the yellow table is a perfect compliment. I love whites and grays but you've got me thinking about adding some color here and there. Speaking of, love, love the chair redo in the previous post. That is one great beachy chair!

Unknown said...

oh crap....I just bought a deep red sofa and love seat.....have no idea what I was thinking, but I love us crazy, we love what we love!

Emreen said...

Wow..I love the shell shaped bowl.. And that starfish looks cute... Like the addition of baubles... Great idea..!!

KimMalk said...

I adore soft yellow, it's such a neutral color to decorate with and so soothing. Your draperies are beautiful, Sissie!

My favorite stuff

  • Donuts
  • Iced Vanilla Coffee
  • Finding Junk and making it beautiful
  • Spending Time with my Sister
  • Holidays with my family
  • Poirot movies
  • reading murder mysteries
  • searching shabby chic stuff on ebay
  • writing stories and blogging
  • snuggling with my husband and my kitty kats
  • comfortable pajamas
  • slot machines
  • yard sales
  • hunting through estate sales and thrift shops
  • going to antique shops
  • eating out with my sister
  • having lunch with my husband
  • having lunch with my son
  • vanilla wafer cookies
  • pedicures and pink toenail polish
  • Lavender scented soaps and body wash
  • Good makeup