Monday, August 29, 2011

Images and Trims

Hi Bloggerettes!  Thanks for stopping by.  I want to show you these cute tote bags that I created using images and trim.  I found the white canvas tote bags in a package of three at Walmart. I added the images from Graphiquesepia's etsy shop  and some trims and viola!

I got this image from Confessions of a Plate Addict.  She created the most darling pillow with beautiful piping and a link to where she got the sheep image.  She also had the image on her post.
I just love it.  It's not as pretty as hers but cute anyway.

Of course I had to move it around to see where it looks best.
It's going to my booth for someone else to love.

Be sure and check out all the goodness going on over there.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Not Much to Talk About.....

Hi Bloggerettes!  Not much to talk about today. I thank all of you for your thoughts and concern for our safety during Hurricane Irene.
You are such a great and loving bunch of sweeties.

There were no auctions or sales this week, so I created a few more pillows.  I figure when the goin gets tough, the tough take to their studio and start creating.  Afterall, doesn't everyone make pillows during a hurricane....
I couldn't sleep on Friday night because all I could hear were the howling winds and things going bump in the night.  Irene was out there but the worse was not being able to see what she was doing.

When I make a new pillow I love to place it in different areas of my home just to see how it looks.  Do you do that too?  Of course you do, what other way can we come up with good blogging photos.

I can't take credit for making this fabulous skirt.  My friend and booth buddy at The Fancy Flea, Gloria, created this pretty.

Looks good on my auction find slipcovered chair.  Heck, I might just keep it!

It's okay now Gizzy.  You can come out.  The big bad Irene monster is gone.

I know Gabby, nothing ever excites you...

Okay ya'll can come out and play now.  The coast is clear.
Get out there and create, sew, photograph, write, cook, repurpose, paint or find something wonderful and share it with us.


Friday, August 26, 2011

Waiting for Irene....

Hi Bloggerettes!

I've been making pillows today and waiting for "Irene."  At least keeping busy keeps my mind off the impending hurricane.

I just finished this pillow.  I'm in love with these wonderful graphics that I ordered from Graphiquesepia Etsy Shop.  They print so clearly and easily.  The sepia tones gives the image a vintage look.

I plan to make a few more using these new images.

Many of you have asked for a tutorial on how to do these images.  So stayed tuned.

If you are in the path of Irene, I'll be praying for your safety.
Take care and batten down the hatches!

Gizzy says....


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Little Somethin, Somethin...

Hi Bloggerettes!

Staying on the "Frenchy" theme y'all!  I found four perfectly white placemats at the thrift and decided they needed a little somethin,, french images from Graphics Fairy to the rescue...

There in my booth ready to go....
Sweet embroidered beach chair pillow....

These salt and pepper shakers are vintage reproductions.
I just love the look.

My kitchen is very happy since I added them to the tray.

Here on the coast we are all waiting to see what happens with Hurricane Irene and hoping she blows out to sea.

Everyone stay safe and have a wonderful weekend.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Feeling Frenchy and Glamorous!

Bonjour Bloggerettes!

Are you feeling "frenchy" today?   Well, I know you are, and so am I !!

My sister gave me this idea.  She saw some pillows similar to these, so I added the script image and came up with this.....

I ordered the script image from Graphiquesepia's etsy shop.

I plan to make more and put them in my booth for sale.

Now for the piec'e de resistance....

I'm telling you girls,when I saw this I can swear that the sky opened up and beams of happiness fell down upon me!  I love it.  Did I say I love it....really, really love it!!!  I'm such a glamour puss!

That's all I have for today.  I am working on some paint projects I plan to show you later in the week.

My Sister left this morning and I miss her already.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Little Table, mermaid chair and sister!

Hi Bloggerettes!  Wanna see a cute little table all painted and shabbied.....I thought so...
This is Annie Sloan Chalkpaint.  I'm still painting from the first can.

 It's going to my booth at Miss Minnies.  (sigh)

 Got this little chair at the auction.  It was already painted yellow.
I gave it a little dry brush with some creamy white.  I then used an iron on image on the canvas seat.  The vintage mermaid image is from Graphics Fairy!

It sold the day I took it to the shop!!!
Here's why I haven't been around all week.
My sister is here!  We've been having fun shopping ,eating, laughing and shopping, eating, laughing...repeat.....

I love her so much!!!!

Now get out there and create, make, sew, paint, write, craft, photograph, repurpose or find something wonderful and share it with us!!!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I finally tried Annie Sloan Chalk Paint

Hi Bloggerettes!

Well, I finally went and did it....painted something with Annie Sloan's Chalk Paint.  Here's my take on it. 

I started by painting this simple ladder back chair with the white.  The paint went on rather easily and dried quickly.  I applied the wax and then distressed the piece.  I had a little trouble with the wax but later found out that I was applying too much....a little goes a long way.  I do like the nice patina the wax gives the wood.

Honestly, I wasn't feelin the love at first. 

But once I started playing around with it a little by sanding and dry brushing, I started to appreciate that I didn't have to do a third coat.
So, I'd say that it does cover quite well.

Piece No.2 is a piano bench that had been a very dark mahogany.
So, I used two coats of Annie Sloan white and then
a dry brushed technique on the top using AS paris gray.

I then added a stamped image by loading up the stamp with AS paris gray.  Then waxed the entire piece with AS clear wax, followed by sanding with my mouse paying special attention to the edges.

I wanted the corners to be heavily stressed so the wood comes through.  I was able to do this because the paint sanded so easily.

One feature of this paint that I really like is that it easily covered the dark wood without adding a primer.  It also sticks to the wood and doesn't rub off or peel.  So, the primer step is eliminated.

I think the real fun with this paint is that you can play with it to achieve the look you want.  I still like Benjamin Moore and Behr paints and will continue to use them too, so I am not ready to go totally Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.  I also like using glazes and experimenting with different techniques, so I'll continue using their products as well.

Annie Sloan's chalk paint is pricey when you add in the cost of the wax, but I've found that it lasts a long time.  I've painted two items so far and barely made a dent in the contents of the can.  So, I'm liking that too!
You can also buy sample bottles too and it's a great inexpensive way to mix colors and play with the paint.

I buy my Annie Sloan Chalk Paints Here.

If you haven't tried it yet, go ahead and jump in.  Get a can of your favorite color, some wax and start experimenting.

 I have not been paid or compensated to do this review on Annie Sloan Chalk paint, just wanted to try it. 


Monday, August 15, 2011

More Auction Stuff!

Hi Bloggerettes!

Friday night was auction night and I felt as though I should have worn my boxing gloves!  Whew, it was ruff tuff creampuff!!!

Had to fight for this one.  This lovely seascape on canvas was not about to go to anyone else but me!  Do you hear me mean man that tried to take it from me!
I painted the frame and I think it's perfect for my entryway.
I loved the crinkle of the shabby wonderful.

I doubt that it will ever hang in a museum, but hey, Mr. Sissie says our house looks like a "museum," so there ya go!

Gizzy approves...

When I saw this pretty slip covered chair I knew I had the perfect place for it.   Another bidder wanted it as bad as I did, so the price started going up.  I almost gave up but decided to up the bid just one more time!
Glad I did...

It even had the manufacturer tags on it.  The slipcover can be removed for washing, how cool is that!

Okay, that's it for now.  So get out there and make, sew, create, design, photograph, paint, write, cook or repurpose something wonderful and share it with the rest of us!


Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Vintage Piece from the Auction!

Hi Bloggerettes!  This is what I got at the Auction.  A depression era vanity dresser that was already shabbied and ready to go.  I just love it!

No painting required....gotta love that!

It fits perfectly in my booth....

I hope someone else loves it as much as I do.

Be sure and stop by Debra's blog to see what's new.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I like Simple...

Hi Bloggerettes!  What's up in your neck of the woods.....are you enjoying your summer and  having fun creating wonderful tell.

I love simple things, yeah that's right, Sissie, the princess of ruffles and pink likes simple things too.  Like this ordinary little wooden stool.  It just needed a little somethin, somethin.
It got a dose of creamy white paint on the legs and a mixture of blues on the top...
Oh no!  It's too plain!

It needs some bling and vintage....

Or, a little sissiefying...

Told you I liked simple!
Oh come on now, you know I needed to write an entire post about a little wooden stool...had to hold your attention somehow.  Times are tough!

I did get some stuff at auction that you might like.  I'll show you later.

Talk to you later Sweeties!


My favorite stuff

  • Donuts
  • Iced Vanilla Coffee
  • Finding Junk and making it beautiful
  • Spending Time with my Sister
  • Holidays with my family
  • Poirot movies
  • reading murder mysteries
  • searching shabby chic stuff on ebay
  • writing stories and blogging
  • snuggling with my husband and my kitty kats
  • comfortable pajamas
  • slot machines
  • yard sales
  • hunting through estate sales and thrift shops
  • going to antique shops
  • eating out with my sister
  • having lunch with my husband
  • having lunch with my son
  • vanilla wafer cookies
  • pedicures and pink toenail polish
  • Lavender scented soaps and body wash
  • Good makeup