Saturday, August 20, 2011

Little Table, mermaid chair and sister!

Hi Bloggerettes!  Wanna see a cute little table all painted and shabbied.....I thought so...
This is Annie Sloan Chalkpaint.  I'm still painting from the first can.

 It's going to my booth at Miss Minnies.  (sigh)

 Got this little chair at the auction.  It was already painted yellow.
I gave it a little dry brush with some creamy white.  I then used an iron on image on the canvas seat.  The vintage mermaid image is from Graphics Fairy!

It sold the day I took it to the shop!!!
Here's why I haven't been around all week.
My sister is here!  We've been having fun shopping ,eating, laughing and shopping, eating, laughing...repeat.....

I love her so much!!!!

Now get out there and create, make, sew, paint, write, craft, photograph, repurpose or find something wonderful and share it with us!!!



Linda @ A La Carte said...

Love the table, adorable chair and what a fun time with your sister! Enjoy!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

So much fun to hang with sisters. Love the table and the chair is toooo sweet.

Blondie's Journal said...

Your sister looks so her dimples!! And I love the table and chair. You did a great always!


NanaDiana said...

You did a great job with your table and I LOVE that little chair. I can see why it sold. I am trying the Annie Sloan paint this next week when I get home from our anniversary weekend. the old boy is watching baseball on TV...What an exciting weekend so far~;>) Your sister is just beautiful..and she has that deep dimple like my little SweetCheeks- I love her already! Have fun

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

YOur table and chair are both fabulous, but your sister is beautiful. So much fun. Enjoy. Hugs, Marty

Sue McPeak said...

Oh SissieGal...I'm so glad you are getting to spend time with your Sister! Ya'll look alike...isn't that fun! Love that table and I'm glad to know about the Chalk paint...not that I'm gonna break out a brush, but you never know!

Dorthe said...

Sissie, the table--I wish-wish -does it help to wish one more time? lol
would love it to be mine-
So wonderful you two sisters could spent happy time together- AND -I love your new header, dear.
Hugs, and love from,Dorthe

Unknown said...

Enjoy your time with your sister ! The table and chair look great !

stefanie said...

I bet you have a hard time taking that table to your booth...its soooo pretty there!!!
have lots of fun with your sis!

Sylvia said...

Love, love that white table! I hope it sells fast for you.


Unknown said...

Love the Duncan Phyfe table.....I could sell ten of these a month if I had them....they are the absolute perfect size and blend well with any it white too. Don't you just love it when it sells right away....timing is everything!
Thanks for posting my giveaway......who knows....your number just might be chosen :)

☼ Carolina ☼ said...

Un abrazo
✿ ✿ ✿

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Well, aren't you having fun? I LOVE the table! I'm going to use chalk paint next time I want something painted white and shabbied up. Your sister is a cutie. Love her dimples! I wonder does she like her dimples? I always hated mine when I was growing up. I just know you two are having a blast!


Donna said...

So glad you and your pretty sister are having a great time, Sissie! I am loving your table. I have one very similar to yours, that my Mom bought many years ago with her S&H green stamps. Maybe some day I will get brave and paint it! And your mermaid chair is awesome! That is one of my favorite mermaid graphics to use:)

Ginger said...

Your sweet sister looks a lot like you. Sounds like you are having a good time. Love that pedestal table

Anonymous said...

Hi Sissieness! I love that little table (I have one almost like that) and little chair!
Oh, your sister looks like a doll! I'm so glad you're having such a good time! Now we'll be ready to hear some stories soon.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Amy Chalmers said...

hey Sissie, your sis is sooo cute! I wanted to tell you I went to my first auction in a long time today and I got some pretties myself to share...your mermaid chair is sweet!

Unknown said...

she's so cute! and so are all of your transformations!

Vicki said...

Look how cute she is! Love that chair. Stop by for a giveaway this week from Easy Canvas Prints. Have fun with your sis.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Hi pretty sister! That sounds like a lot more fun than blogging!! Oh Sissie, I love your little table, hope it sells quick! You remember my table right?


Cindy said...

Awwwwww.... darling chair and table,
and what could be better than being with your sister and shopping, eating, and laughing... she's adorable


The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

oh my goodness...I think I have that table up in my attic...I think I need to get some paint slapped on it!! That yellow chair is adorable - and very cool that it sold lickity-split! DO have fun with your sis - got to love sister time :)

afistfullofweeds* said...

Beware of dem goobers!!!! LOL!

Silvia said...

Bellissimo l' arredamento complimenti! Bye

My name is Riet said...

You two sisters are both beautiful. I love this little tablel ad what you did with it. Gorgeous. I can believe the chair was sold on day one,it was lovely
Have a lovely Sunday!

Lynn said...

Love the drawer pull on the table Sissie! Have fun with your sister:@)

Cindy@Cutepinkstuff said...

Great little table! It's sure to sell quickly. I have a wonderful sister, too. What would the world be without sisters? Sissie, thanks for stopping by my FRESH COTTAGE post. I can hardly wait for the issue to come out!

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

I LOVE the table!! The paint looks great and I love the glass inset with the seashells! Also, the little yellow chair is adorable1 I can see why it sold so quickly! What fun spending time with your sister....I wish I could do it more often with my own!~Hugs, Patti

Victorian1885 said...

The table is Fabulous! Have a great visit with your sister..she is as lovely as you are..


Karen said...

Wow Sissie, I want that table, I sure wish that I lived near you. The mermaid chair is adorable, no wonder it got snapped right up. Have fun with your sis.

Victoria said...

The little table is gorgeous! I haven't tried chalk paint yet, the price scares me. I love the mermaid chair and can see why it sold so quickly!

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments on my headboard:)

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

The table and chairs are cute, but they pale in comparison to you and your sister!

Sweet Meanderings said...

I love that table and would so buy it! Your sister is beautiful and I know you've been having so much fun! Keep on having fun - we can wait!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your sister is you! My sister lives far away and I talked to her for over an hour today! I sure do miss her! ♥

Passionate for White said...

I'm not surprised your chair was scooped up so's adorable and unique.

My favorite stuff

  • Donuts
  • Iced Vanilla Coffee
  • Finding Junk and making it beautiful
  • Spending Time with my Sister
  • Holidays with my family
  • Poirot movies
  • reading murder mysteries
  • searching shabby chic stuff on ebay
  • writing stories and blogging
  • snuggling with my husband and my kitty kats
  • comfortable pajamas
  • slot machines
  • yard sales
  • hunting through estate sales and thrift shops
  • going to antique shops
  • eating out with my sister
  • having lunch with my husband
  • having lunch with my son
  • vanilla wafer cookies
  • pedicures and pink toenail polish
  • Lavender scented soaps and body wash
  • Good makeup